🪙How to BUY EXA_Tech

Create a Wallet

Download Metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or Google Play Store for free. Desktop users, download the Google Chrome extension by going to metamask.io (click to download metamask) (click to download trust wallet)

Get Some BNB

Have BNB in your wallet to convert to EXA_Tech. If you don't have BNB, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to PancakeSwap

connected to Pancakeswap. Paste the EXA_Tech token address into PancakeSwap, choose EXA_Tech, and confirm. When Metamask asks you to sign your wallet, sign it. (click to go to panckakeswap)

Switch BNB for EXA_Tech

replace BNB for EXA_Tech. we have a 10% tax fee on each sell, which will be automatically distributed to marketing, liquidity and development wallets.



Last updated